DAVID LARSSON - There was nothing else to do with the forest
“Det fanns inget annat att göra med skogen. Träden skulle huggas ned. Veden brinner i ugnen, smälter glaset. Trä används till glasformarna, till glasblåsarnas verktyg, träet formar glaset. Den varma glasmassan bränner träet, formar det precis som träet formar glaset. Positiv och negativ form. Träden huggs ned och skogen lämnas med ett tomrum. Elden fortsätter att brinna i ugnen.” - David Larsson
Projektet är ett samarbete mellan Kulturbruk Rejmyre, Rejmyre Art LAB och Reijmyre Glasbruk.
David Larsson was born in 1981 in Uppsala and currently lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden. He completed his MFA at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm in 2012. In Larsson’s practice, objects play a central role as vessels for social and political histories, as well as circulation of affects. David Larsson has exhibited in solo exhibitions at Konsthall C, Stockholm (2017), Haninge Konsthall (2014) and BLOKK, Bergen (2013)
Larsson is one of Rejmyre Art Lab’s core members since 2012. He has made a series of installations at the site over the years.
Installation artists 2011 - now
- Aldís Ellertsdóttir Hoff | Sweden / Iceland
- Anna Berglind | SE
- Daniel Peltz | USA
- Shirin Adhami | USA
- Sissi Westerberg | Sweden
Embedded Installations
Index :
- TILDA DALUNDE - Longing for safety in the impossible | 2020
- FRIDA HÅLLANDER - The lung of the factory | 2019
- RETENTION - Erna E Skúladóttir & Karin Blomgren | 2019
- MATTIAS HOFVENDAHL - Wetlands | 2019
- HARRIE LIVEART - The Psyche of the land | 2019
- HASTI RADPOUR - Out of sight, out of mind | 2019
- SISSI WESTERBERG - Pausblås | 2018
- DANIEL PELTZ - Seeking an Any Thing from an uncertain time in the ruins of Rejmyre's future | 2018
- DAVID LARSSON - There was nothing else to do with the forest | 2018
- ROBYN BACKEN - Barn Wall | 2017
- CHRISTINE MACKEY - Balsam Bashing | 2014
- BRUCE CHAO - Coracles | 2014
- Bettina Speckner - The vase | 2012
- Zoë Sheehan Saldaña | 2012
- SIMON KLENELL - permanent installation at Pizzeria Rejmyre | 2012
- ALDÍS ELLERSDÓTTIR HOFF - Kneel down for Rejmyre | 2012
- ROBYN BACKEN - Exposure | 2011
- TRACY STEEPY - Body Castings | 2011
- JOCELYNE PRINCE - Dust Stencils | 2011
- DANIEL PELTZ - a pilgrim in Rejmyre / tourist information | 2011
- SISSI WESTERBERG - Installations 2009-2014 | 2009
- page is currently being updated | 2009